
The Latin name for yarrow is Achillea millefolium and is a tribute to one of the oldest legends surrounding this well-known plant. Achillea refers to the Greek hero Achilles who used the plant to heal his soldiers during the Trojan War. It is said that he learned the herb lore surrounding yarrow from his tutor Chiron the centaur.


Its use as a remedy for war wounds is reflected in many of its common names including soldier’s woundwort. Its use on the battlefield lasted until the Civil War where the crushed plant was often applied to bullet and shrapnel wounds since the plant was supposed to be particularly effective for healing wounds caused by iron weapons.

Yarrow is touted for its numerous therapeutic qualities.
This herb needs to be planted in a sunny location in average, well-drained soil. It grows up to two feet in height. Other than yarrow, this plant is also known by the names of woundwort, staunch-weed and knight’s milfoil. 

Many people don’t realize that yarrow can be used in cooking. The young leaves are said to be very nutritious and can be used in salads. It has also been used in the brewing of beer instead of rose hops. 

Yarrow has endless medicinal properties. When made into a tea, which is used from the entire plant, it has a powerful effect on the immune system. It is also used to reduce fevers, as a blood purifier, as a method to combat depression and kidney disorders to name a few. It is advised to drink yarrow tea in moderation as a person can suffer from the side effects if yarrow is used too frequently. 

Yarrow has also been used as a cool wash for chapped hands and when applied to the face, it can rid the pores of excess oil. To make the wash, you need to brew the yarrow in a tea and leave it to cool. If yarrow tea is used too frequently, the skin will become sensitive to light, so use with caution.


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