No matter how long you have been in the desert, no matter the names you are called by people, no matter what the earthly physicians might have pronounced as your problem, know that there is a Great physician that need no tools no nurses,no certificate to perform HIS operations on you, His theatre is everywhere.......even right beside you now!
He is ready to perform operations now in lives of those who are experiencing barrenness in any form,dryness in any form, be you man or woman just prepare yourself to enter His theatre now....
Who is going in first.?
" Lift up your heads O you gates;
Be ye lifted up, you ancient doors,
That the King of glory may come in,
Who is this King of glory?
The LORD strong and mighty,
The LORD mighty in battle".
Oh yes! He did it and its successful!
See how your testimonies will be this year

Fruitfulness roundabout and your cup shall overflow in Jesus name.
Type a big Amen if you the next patient......
He is ready to perform operations now in lives of those who are experiencing barrenness in any form,dryness in any form, be you man or woman just prepare yourself to enter His theatre now....
Who is going in first.?
" Lift up your heads O you gates;
Be ye lifted up, you ancient doors,
That the King of glory may come in,
Who is this King of glory?
The LORD strong and mighty,
The LORD mighty in battle".
Oh yes! He did it and its successful!
See how your testimonies will be this year

Fruitfulness roundabout and your cup shall overflow in Jesus name.
Type a big Amen if you the next patient......
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