How to cure Pimples & Acne with Garlic
If you are suffering from pimples and acne trying out the home remedies is certainly the best way to go. In case, the home treatments seem not to be effective to offer the needed results even after a week, you should plan to consult a doctor. Pimples and Acne can be caused due to several reasons. Pimples are much more common in people who suffer from digestive problems or use cosmetics and makeups that do not suit their skin. On the other hand, hormonal imbalances can be a primary reason of acne and in these cases it is best to get help from a doctor to get quick relief.
Garlic has some active ingredients and these ingredients are known for their ability to kill the pimple or acne causing bacteria, thus giving relief from the condition. Garlic is also a store house of anti-oxidants that help in boosting the natural reparative mechanism of the skin, which can also be helpful to cure pimples and acne.
Garlic is high in allicin and it is this ingredient which gives it the pungent smell. No matter how much you hate the smell, particularly when raw, this ingredient is one of the primary active components in garlic which will help in curing your acne and pimples. Allicin is a sulfur compound and it is the reason behind its anti-microbial properties.
So, having given a clear idea about how garlic works for curing pimples and acne, now let us move to how to use it for treating these awful skin conditions that are common amongst people of every age and sex.
Garlic can be used topically as well as internally for curing pimples and acne. Consuming raw garlic or garlic in your foods can be effective to provide long term results, while topical application can give you relief from pimples and acne quickly. The best suggested way is to include garlic in your regular diet and also continue using it topically, so that the results are quick and also long lasting.
One of the primary differences between pimples and garlic is that, while pimples are usually restricted within a few zits, here and there, acne covers a wider area of the skin. Hence while we can use more concentrated formulations for pimples, using the same for treating widespread acne might not be suitable particularly for the sensitive skin.
Best tips to free from pimples
When it comes to pimples, you can use raw garlic directly for spot treatment. Here is how you should do that,
Take 1-2 garlic cloves and smash it with a mortar and pestle
Leave the smashed garlic for 10 minutes, as it is believed that the active compounds in the cells of garlic starts coming out after it has been smashed and it takes some time before it reaches the maximum potential
Now apply this garlic paste directly onto the pimples and leave on
If you feel a burning sensation on your skin, remove the garlic paste after 10 minutes otherwise let it be on for 20 minutes at least
Remove the paste and wash off with water. Do not use any soap or cleanser.
Raw garlic juice application for pimple cure
You can also use the raw garlic juice extracted from garlic cloves to get rid of pimples quickly and naturally.
Here is the process,
Take 5 fresh garlic cloves and grate them
Now smash the grated garlic at least for 10 minutes in a mortar and pestle
Leave it for 10 more minutes and then take it on a thin, white cotton cloth to squeeze out the raw garlic juice
Apply this garlic juice directly onto the pimples with the help of a fresh cotton swab. Do not rub the skin, just dab the juice on the pimples
Leave on for 10-15 minutes and then wash off with plain water, without any soap or facewash.
If the smell of raw garlic seems to be very overpowering for your nose, you can easily opt for a treatment made with garlic and turmeric. Turmeric is also a great anti-bacterial herb, which can help in curing acne and the characteristic smell of turmeric will also help in suppressing the pungent smell of garlic at least to some extent.
Here is how to use this treatment,
Take 1 inch of a fresh turmeric root and make a paste of it
Take 1-2 garlic cloves, smash them to make a paste and leave it for 10 minutes
Mix the two pastes and apply the resulting mixture onto the pimples directly
Leave on for 20 minutes and then remove the paste but do not wash off immediately
Wash off with water after another 30 minutes
Use 1-2 times daily
Home remedies for acne marks
As already mentioned, acne generally spreads to a wider area of the face; hence the treatments need to be more soothing for the skin. Here is how you can use garlic for treating acne on the face,
Garlic Concoction for curing acne
You can easily prepare a garlic concoction by adding water with garlic. It will dilute the garlic juice and make it appropriate for application over a wider part of the facial skin. Here is how to use garlic concoction for curing acne,
Take 3-4 garlic cloves, smash them and let it stand for 10 minutes
Add 1/2 cup of warm water to this paste and let it stand for another 10 minutes
Apply this garlic concoction onto the acne affected skin with the help of a clean cotton ball
Do not rub the skin with the concoction, just dab it on
Let it stand for 15 minutes and then wash off with water
You should use this treatment 2-3 times in a day to get quick results.
Garlic has some active ingredients and these ingredients are known for their ability to kill the pimple or acne causing bacteria, thus giving relief from the condition. Garlic is also a store house of anti-oxidants that help in boosting the natural reparative mechanism of the skin, which can also be helpful to cure pimples and acne.
Garlic is high in allicin and it is this ingredient which gives it the pungent smell. No matter how much you hate the smell, particularly when raw, this ingredient is one of the primary active components in garlic which will help in curing your acne and pimples. Allicin is a sulfur compound and it is the reason behind its anti-microbial properties.
So, having given a clear idea about how garlic works for curing pimples and acne, now let us move to how to use it for treating these awful skin conditions that are common amongst people of every age and sex.
Garlic can be used topically as well as internally for curing pimples and acne. Consuming raw garlic or garlic in your foods can be effective to provide long term results, while topical application can give you relief from pimples and acne quickly. The best suggested way is to include garlic in your regular diet and also continue using it topically, so that the results are quick and also long lasting.
One of the primary differences between pimples and garlic is that, while pimples are usually restricted within a few zits, here and there, acne covers a wider area of the skin. Hence while we can use more concentrated formulations for pimples, using the same for treating widespread acne might not be suitable particularly for the sensitive skin.
Best tips to free from pimples
When it comes to pimples, you can use raw garlic directly for spot treatment. Here is how you should do that,
Take 1-2 garlic cloves and smash it with a mortar and pestle
Leave the smashed garlic for 10 minutes, as it is believed that the active compounds in the cells of garlic starts coming out after it has been smashed and it takes some time before it reaches the maximum potential
Now apply this garlic paste directly onto the pimples and leave on
If you feel a burning sensation on your skin, remove the garlic paste after 10 minutes otherwise let it be on for 20 minutes at least
Remove the paste and wash off with water. Do not use any soap or cleanser.
Raw garlic juice application for pimple cure
You can also use the raw garlic juice extracted from garlic cloves to get rid of pimples quickly and naturally.
Here is the process,
Take 5 fresh garlic cloves and grate them
Now smash the grated garlic at least for 10 minutes in a mortar and pestle
Leave it for 10 more minutes and then take it on a thin, white cotton cloth to squeeze out the raw garlic juice
Apply this garlic juice directly onto the pimples with the help of a fresh cotton swab. Do not rub the skin, just dab the juice on the pimples
Leave on for 10-15 minutes and then wash off with plain water, without any soap or facewash.
If the smell of raw garlic seems to be very overpowering for your nose, you can easily opt for a treatment made with garlic and turmeric. Turmeric is also a great anti-bacterial herb, which can help in curing acne and the characteristic smell of turmeric will also help in suppressing the pungent smell of garlic at least to some extent.
Here is how to use this treatment,
Take 1 inch of a fresh turmeric root and make a paste of it
Take 1-2 garlic cloves, smash them to make a paste and leave it for 10 minutes
Mix the two pastes and apply the resulting mixture onto the pimples directly
Leave on for 20 minutes and then remove the paste but do not wash off immediately
Wash off with water after another 30 minutes
Use 1-2 times daily
Home remedies for acne marks
As already mentioned, acne generally spreads to a wider area of the face; hence the treatments need to be more soothing for the skin. Here is how you can use garlic for treating acne on the face,
Garlic Concoction for curing acne
You can easily prepare a garlic concoction by adding water with garlic. It will dilute the garlic juice and make it appropriate for application over a wider part of the facial skin. Here is how to use garlic concoction for curing acne,
Take 3-4 garlic cloves, smash them and let it stand for 10 minutes
Add 1/2 cup of warm water to this paste and let it stand for another 10 minutes
Apply this garlic concoction onto the acne affected skin with the help of a clean cotton ball
Do not rub the skin with the concoction, just dab it on
Let it stand for 15 minutes and then wash off with water
You should use this treatment 2-3 times in a day to get quick results.
posted from Bloggeroid
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